Diary of the Prophet


By Prophet Dr. Abiodun Adesida


Book of NAHUM is a thrilling book to study. It’s reveal the other side of the attributes of God. God is love, But God is holy and righteous and good.

The book was written in palestine at about 720-636 B.C and the prophecy their in compliment the book of jonah. The city of Nineveh was literally destroyed as predicted by the two Prophets later by Nabopolassar, the father of nebuchadnezzar.

Nahum sounds the death-knell of Nineveh and pronounce judgement by total destruction on Assyria.God was just in doing this. Jonah almost a century before, had brought a message from God and Nineveh had repented. However the repentance was transitory and God patiently gave this new generation opputunity to repent (Nahum1:3). The days of grace ends and the moment of doom comes(Nahum 3:19).
Assyrian has serve God’s purpose (isaiah 10:5) and would be destroyed. The destruction of Nineveh according to the details given in this prophecy is breathtaking in chapter 3: 11-18

👉Justice and goodness of God in chapter 1:1-8
👉Justice and goodness of God demonstrated in decision to destroy Nineveh and to give the gospel in chapter 1:9-15
👉Justice and goodness of God exhibited in execution of his decision to destroy Nineveh in chapter 2&3
✓Annihilation of assyria in chapter 2
✓ Avenging action of God justified in chapter 3

Conclusion of the whole matter:

God does not change; Men do

God will save today( Jonah)

God will destroy tomorrow (Nahum)

Depending on how we decided to approach the Justice system of Heaven.

Prophet Abiodun Adesida
CAC Solution Center

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